Embed live content on your own website

Learn how to embed Wehealth content as a live widget on your website

Caution: This task may need technical assistance from your webmaster / IT team depending on how your website is set up.

Note: This feature is currently in beta. You may not see this option in your portal just yet. If you are interested in trying this out early, please contact Customer Support to get started.

  1. Sign in to the Portal
  2. Tap on Toolkit
  3. Make sure the correct community is selected in the header
  4. Copy the Embed code
  5. Paste it inside the Webpage source code of your website

Advanced: If you are familiar with HTML you can construct your own embed code. Here's a reference working code you can use as a starting point.

Note: In the example below, f=heat limits the results to just heat related info. If you leave it out, it will show all info available on Wehealth for the selected community.

Note: You can also combine factors e.g. f=flu,rsv,c19 will show all alerts related to Flu, RSV and Covid-19 in a single widget.

<iframe style="border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 16px; margin: 0px auto; display: block;" title="Santa Cruz County Heat" xml="lang" src="https://ph.app/embed/us-az-santa-cruz?f=heat" width="400" height="400" loading="eager"></iframe>

2025-01 Wehealth Embed on Webpage