How can I customize alerts that are sent to end users?

Learn how cards, factors and levels are combined to customize the alerts with actions to be promoted for each alert.

The information contained in an alert is based on the cards that act as templates. To customize alerts:

  • Sign in to Wehealth Portal
  • Tap on Cards in the menu. 

Note: If you don't see Cards you may not have access. Request access by mentioning you need Editor access.

  • In the Target section, select the Factor for which you want to update the information.

Note: Each factor can have 4 levels: None, Low, Medium, High. And each level can be customized independently. i.e. each factor can have 4 different templates associated with it, giving full flexibility on how we communicate with the public depending on the alert level.

  • Select the specific Level for which you want to customize

Tip:  If you want the same information for the alert at all levels, you can start with Level = None, and then work your way to copying over the items to other levels.

  • The Preview section will show what  a hypothetical alert would like to the public
  • The Editor section can be used to customize this alert
  • Tap on [Add] 
  • Select Item Type as Action.

Note: Actions are special objects in the platform. They can point to resources like phone numbers and websites and provide detailed analytics.

  • Tap [Create New Action] 
    • The Edit section is where you can define this action
    •  Tap on Label in the Edit section
    • This will open the Select Text dialog
      • Type some keywords associated with what you want the action to say
      • The search results will show you any pre-translated strings that match. 
      • If you type something that isn't already pre-translated you will see [Request to Add]. Tap on [Request to Add] and submit the request. You will have to wait for the translation to be completed before you can continue. You will be notified via email when the translation is completed.
      • If you find text that you can use, you can select it and tap on [Confirm].
    • Back at the Create New Action screen, now customize the Destination to be Website or Phone Call
    • Then specify a website address in the form of or a phone number in the form of 123-456-7890 for the destination.
    • Not tap on [Create]
  • Back at the Editor tap on [Publish] to push the changes live.

Tip: The Preview shows what is currently already live to the public. There is no way to preview any changes that you have made that have not yet been published.  But it's easy to understand what the changes will look like as the editor itself is visual.

Note: This is a language safe editor. It contains special text that is instantly available in 50+ languages as they were already translated by human experts. If the text you want to type has not already been translated, you will first have to request it to be translated. This can take 1 day to a week. Only then can you use that text in this editor. This approaches guarantees that all communication is fully translated at all times.